Project Vida works in synergy to promote community engagement in the delivery of best practice interventions to provide access to care and achieve well-being.
Inside the schools, we have three programs that complement each other. Behavioral Health, Reproductive Services, and Capacity Development, these programs are designed to work side by side towards the same goal: to support education, provide accessible services to care, and eliminate barriers that might prevent our community members from achieving optimal health.
Be Well Services focuses on empowering families living with challenges of behavioral health. We provide a safe place to share stories and find support for others who are dealing with behavioral health issues or caring for a family member with mental illness.
Be You Program works in collaboration with youth professionals by offering our evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention program, focusing on positive youth development by promoting leadership and providing opportunities to encourage healthy lifestyle choices.
Capacity Development is formed by three programs, we have El Paso Association of Directors of Guidance and Counseling focused on providing support, brings awareness, and guidance towards a more trauma-informed approach in school districts by giving workshops/presentations to the EPADOG members in collaboration with the SISD Director of Guidance and Counseling.