Assitance Programs
A microenterprise is a business with five (5) or fewer employees. Owners must work
full-time in the business and qualify based on HUD income guidelines. MTAP provides microenterprises the direct assistance they need to grow and be profitable.
Aero Protection Programs
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Microenterprise technical assistance program
The Microenterprise Technical Assistance Program (MTAP) encourages business development and economic expansion in El Paso County with funding from the
City of El Paso's Community Development Block Grant program; United Way; and financial institutions, corporations, and various private sources.
Small Business Support programs
Project Vida works with the community to bring solutions in a time of need. We will offer our support to nearly 1,000 businesses through the Build Safe Program, Small Business Relief & Recovery, and Go DIgital. To apply to this program please click the box below.