WE ASKED THREE QUESTIONS TO OUR PV EMPLOYEES WITH THE PURPOSE OF GETTING TO KNOW EACH OTHER BETTER. THE QUESTIONs WERE, WHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS CAREER PATH? how would you describe your role and why did you decide to do it here in PV? AND, What is one of your biggest accomplishments or success story?


J Martis, Communications Project Manager

1. Ever since I was young I’ve always had an interest in art and when a position opened in the marketing team I saw an opportunity to use my skills in a more professional way.

2. I am the Project Manager for the Communications team. The reason I’m in this position is because I saw a need for it as our marketing team grew. Basically what I do is help see the “clients’” needs, aka all the different PV programs, and strategize with my team to come up with the best possible solution to make those needs a reality.

3. My biggest accomplishment is collaborating with our Sr. Graphic Designer and creating hand-drawn stickers used for different events that are very successful for our youth campaigns. As you can imagine it is very hard to engage with teens, so knowing they actively enjoy using these stickers makes me proud.

Braulio Chavez, Lead Data Specialist

1. Having studied sociology has led me to choose a career path where I can apply my knowledge of human behavior and societal interaction in different ways. In this case, working with communities, students and people from different backgrounds.

2. PV focuses a lot on the community and on the different needs that the community has. My role has different branches within; but what I liked about it is that I can provide different health information/resources to the community I work with and witness the impact it has in our community.

3. A success story from working in PV has been that I can see how the program that we provided to the community and the schools has changed the students’ perspective in a positive way. Students have approached me thanking me about the information provided and how this will help them be careful in the decisions that they will make in their future.

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  • Did you know that as a PV employee with health insurance you have the opportunity to sign up for a weight loss program for free?

    Wondr is a weight loss program that is clinically-proven to help you lose weight, sleep better, stress less, and so much more. It will teach you simple skills that are based on behavioral science, so you can enjoy your favorite foods and feel better than ever—at no cost to you.

    This is your chance to make the changes you’ve been wanting to make!

    Click here to learn more about the program

  • A new small business recovery program is coming to the City of Socorro. The Microenterprise Technical Assistance Program at Project Vida just secured a $250,000 grant dedicated to addressing the negative economic impact that the COVID-19 pandemic created.

    In collaboration with El Paso Collaborative and the City of Socorro, Project Vida is offering technical assistance and grants of up to $30,000 per business in an effort to assist small businesses. The funds for this program will be issued before December 1, 2024.

    The program will assist these businesses in covering their expenses and debts, helping sustain operations and avoid permanent or temporary layoffs or closures.

  • The proposed two-pronged approach will support Project Vida Health Center to increase access to care and better serve the community of San Elizario and Clint ISD. The project will increase access to care for the community of San Elizario by placing two Access Navigators in strategic community spaces to bridge racial and demographic health coverage disparities by providing San Elizario with low coverage rates.

    Navigators will engage in outreach activities to further develop local partnerships, build community rapport, and promote PVHC services. In addition, Navigators will provide education dispelling public charge myths by encouraging families to enroll in Medicaid and CHIP retaining coverage, and addressing social determinants of health. They will engage schools and other programs serving young people and developing application assistance resources to provide high-quality, reliable enrollment and renewal services. Navigators will also use social media to conduct virtual outreach and enrollment assistance.

    Familias Triunfadoras, Inc. will facilitate the development of partnerships with local organizations and the San Elizario Independent School District, help Access Navigators engage with the community, and provide a space for community members to receive navigation services. The School-based services in Clint Independent School District (CISD) will expand mental health counseling, navigation, and outreach to students and their families, many of whom live in nearby colonias.

    The program's goal is to provide early intervention in the schools for behavioral health issues and improve parents' understanding of the available resources and supports. The school- based program will be implemented by teams comprised of a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Navigator, and an Outreach Facilitator. The goal will be to expand services to four campuses.

ktsm 9 news - what project vida does



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Send your questions. If there is a specific question or topic that you feel would be appropriate to be discussed, we will try to include it in the upcoming newsletter. Type your question in the text box below.

HOLIDAY recipes

  • Masa para tamales saludables


    - 2 kg. de masa para tamales ( 4 ½ lbs)
    - ¾ de taza de aceite de coco
    - 5 cucharaditas de royal (libre de aluminio)
    - Caldo de pollo o de pavo
    - Sal, la necesaria
    - Una pizca de curcuma (opcional)


    1. Vaciar en un recipiente grande la masa y agregar el aceite de coco, royal y la sal al gusto, batir e ir agregando el caldo poco a poco, seguir batiendo hasta obtener una mezcla tersa. Se puede anadir un poco de curcuma para darle sabor y color.

    2. La masa debe de adherirse facilmente en las hojas de elote, si es necesario agregar un poco mas de caldo.

    3. Utilizar el relleno de su preferencia

    Se puede disminuir la cantidad de aceite agregando un poco de pure de manzana (sin azucar agregada), por ejemplo ½ taza de aceite de coco y ¼ de taza de pure de manzana esto viene a equivalar los ¾ de taza que esta pidiendo la receta.

receta de pavo saludable

  • Preparación de pavo con relleno de frutas secas

    - 1 pavo grande, (20 lb o un poco más)
    - 1 paquete de 8 oz. de mantequilla kerry gold, sin sal
    - 325 ml. de vino blanco
    - Jugo de mandarinas (2.5 lb)
    - Sal, al gusto
    - Una pizca de hierbas de provencia
    - Una pizca de cúrcuma
    - 1 caja de pan para relleno, el de su preferencia
    - 1 taza de fruta seca, mixta
    - 1 taza de nueces, en trozos
    - 1 taza de nueces de castilla
    - 1 taza de almendras, en trozos
    - ½ taza de coco rallado, sin dulce

    1. Dejar que el pavo se descongele dentro del refrigerador, ya descongelado retirar la bolsa de plástico y colocarlo en una bandeja grande.

    2. En la licuadora vaciar el vino blanco, mantequilla, jugo de las mandarinas, pizca de cúrcuma, pizca de hierbas de provencia y la sal al gusto. Licuar hasta que quede cremoso. En este punto puede probar un poco de la mezcla y ajustar la sazón. esto es el marinado para el pavo.

    3. El marinado se puede dejar de 2 a 12 horas, si se deja por más de 2 horas se ablanda y se sazona mejor.

    4. Colocar el pavo en el refractario donde se va a hornear, agregue el líquido en el que se marino. Hornear a 350 *F, el tiempo de cocción dependerá del tamaño del pavo y la estufa. El relleno se agrega cuando el pavo ya esta totalmente cocido y se hornea por unos 45 minutos mas para que se cocine el relleno y tome un color dorado.

    5. En un recipiente mezclar el resto de los ingredientes que son: el pan, fruta mixta, nueces, nueces de castilla, almendras y coco rallado. Añada el líquido del marinado y ya bien mezclado vaya introduciendo esta mezcla a la cavidad del pavo, regresar el pavo a que se siga horneando,

    Nota: Hay algunos pavos que vienen con un dispositivo que indica que el pavo ya está cocinado, es un plástico que se eleva el punto rojo. Si tiene posibilidad de comprar un termómetro para carne utilícelo. El termómetro debe marcar 165* F.

What to do in el paso FOR THE HOLIDAYS?


December 24th, 11:00 AM
Tom Mays Park Access Rd, El Paso, TX 79930

Venue: Franklin Mountains State Park - Tom Mays Unit

Admission: $5 for adults 13 years old and up; $0 for Texas State Park Pass holders and children 12 and under.

Contact Name: Diana Moy

Contact e-mail: Diana.Moy@tpwd.texas.gov

Contact Phone Number: 915 444-9100

Click here for more information!

New Year's Eve with

Amor Prohibido Selena Tribute Show

The year is almost over!! We want to invite you to celebrate one more night with us and hear the music of Amor Prohibido A TRIBUTE TO SELENA!!
FREE SHOW, 21 and over only.

*Times are subject to change

Click here for more information!


Enjoy the start of the new year and support the theater! Friday January 6th and Saturday January 7th.

Tickets start at $35

Click here to get tickets!

We appreciate you and value your opinion. Please give us your feedback and if you have something to share for the next newsletter.